Launch of our new website20150813154740
Launch of our new website
We are pleased to announce the launch of our new website. Our website has been redesigned to improve user experience and offers improved navigation fu...
Have you participated in the 2015 assessment barometer?20150813154511
Have you participated in the 2015 assessment barometer?
cut-e is running a survey to gain insight into the trends in psychometric usage. This research follows on from research conducted in previous years to...
Predicting job performance: The effectiveness of the Swift Analysis Reasoning tests and the Wave Professional Styles Questionnaire20150813144446
Predicting job performance: The effectiveness of the Swift Analysis Reasoning tests and the Wave Professional Styles Questionnaire
The recruitment and selection of high performing leaders and managers are central to the human resources strategy of most organisations. Numerous stud...
Top 10 Considerations: Technology and entry level test-takers20150813143952
Top 10 Considerations: Technology and entry level test-takers
In order to keep-up with technological advances we have witnessed that a number of major international test-publishers are considering to discontinue ...
The assessment of creativity: an introduction to sparks20150813122216
The assessment of creativity: an introduction to sparks
What is sparks?sparks is a new test developed by cut-e that measures creativity. It’s the first test that measures creativity online and by using arti...