Does listening to Mozart make us smarter – debunking some psychology myths20160425112423

Does listening to Mozart make us smarter – debunking some psychology myths

adminApril 25, 20160 comments
Listening to Mozart makes you smarter. Men are from Mars, women are from Venus. Left-brainers are good at logical reasoning, right-brainers are creati...
The assessment barometer report 201520160425112132

The assessment barometer report 2015

adminApril 25, 20160 comments
The aim of the Global Assessment Barometer was to monitor worldwide trends in assessment. The survey drew together responses from 2,776 participants f...
Ten tips to ensure retention20160425111837

Ten tips to ensure retention

adminApril 25, 20160 comments
In an increasingly competitive business world, top talent is in high demand. Not only are there financial repercussions, a high turnover rate can also...
Join us for a workshop on Cultural Agility with keynote visiting Professor, Paula Caligiuri20160425110455

Join us for a workshop on Cultural Agility with keynote visiting Professor, Paula Caligiuri

adminApril 25, 20160 comments
Succeeding in today’s global economy requires organizations to acquire, develop and retain professionals who can operate effectively around the world,...
Linking assessments with Employee Value Propositions20160425110200

Linking assessments with Employee Value Propositions

adminApril 25, 20160 comments
Employee value propositions describe the mix of characteristics, benefits and ways of working in an organisation and therefore represent the deal stru...
Turning good potential into recognisable performance20160424111600

Turning good potential into recognisable performance

adminApril 24, 20160 comments
The aim of apprenticeship recruitment is to find potential. The real power, though, lies in an organization’s ability to turn that potential into reco...