Algorithmic judgements are better (and why you should use them in assessments)20180529135439

Algorithmic judgements are better (and why you should use them in assessments)

In using assessment data to make talent decisions, most IO Practitioners are familiar with the basics: construct a test battery that will measure a jo...
Three key principles of assessment best-practice20180521094114

Three key principles of assessment best-practice

Marcel HarperMay 21, 2018, 0 comments
At TTS, we see our central role as helping our clients make better talent decisions. In doing so, we have to stay on top of the latest developments an...
Millennials, careers and selection practices20180503124542

Millennials, careers and selection practices

Marcel HarperMay 3, 2018, 0 comments
With more Millennials entering the world-of-work, recruiters and potential employers are wary. While the new generation of employees hold exciting pro...
Candidate is king: Why better assessment practices are more important than ever20180503101401

Candidate is king: Why better assessment practices are more important than ever

Marcel HarperMay 3, 2018, , 0 comments
Candidate is king: Why better assessment practices are more important than ever In our recent series of articles, we’ve explored the basics of gamific...