Case Study: Using virtual interviews to replace high-volume telephonic screening20200429080000

Case Study: Using virtual interviews to replace high-volume telephonic screening

April 29, 2020
In today’s article, we take a look at how high-volume recruiters in an international company that serves the IT infrastructure sector used virtual int...
Case Study: How AI-mediated virtual interviewing helped screen 250 000 candidates20200420085651

Case Study: How AI-mediated virtual interviewing helped screen 250 000 candidates

April 20, 2020
In today’s post, we examine how using Artificial Intelligence (AI-mediated) virtual interviewing within a large candidate pool can revolutionize an or...
Case Study: How virtual interviewing can augment live video interviews20200414102357

Case Study: How virtual interviewing can augment live video interviews

April 14, 2020
In several previous articles we have discussed how video-based, virtual interviews can benefit recruitment and talent selection processes. Given how e...