Completing assessments on a weekend and finding conscientious graduates: Possible links20240424130901
Completing assessments on a weekend and finding conscientious graduates: Possible links
At TTS, our assessment clients often want to know whether time of day or other, non-psychometric factors may influence their candidates’ performance o...
Selecting performing and growing talent: Best practices in graduate assessments20240424125156
Selecting performing and growing talent: Best practices in graduate assessments
The need to attract and select the very best graduate talent is a strategic priority for most organizations. This challenge can seem daunting for tale...
Optimize your graduate selection & reduce costs with TTS’s graduate solutions20240424124234
Optimize your graduate selection & reduce costs with TTS’s graduate solutions
In this webinar, TTS’s Managing Director, Fred Guest, discusses how to improve the efficiency, accuracy, and candidate experience of your gradua...