Completing assessments on a weekend and finding conscientious graduates: Possible links20240424130901

Completing assessments on a weekend and finding conscientious graduates: Possible links

At TTS, our assessment clients often want to know whether time of day or other, non-psychometric factors may influence their candidates’ performance o...
Selecting performing and growing talent: Best practices in graduate assessments20240424125156

Selecting performing and growing talent: Best practices in graduate assessments

The need to attract and select the very best graduate talent is a strategic priority for most organizations. This challenge can seem daunting for tale...
Optimize your graduate selection & reduce costs with TTS’s graduate solutions20240424124234

Optimize your graduate selection & reduce costs with TTS’s graduate solutions

Marcel HarperApril 24, 20240 comments
In this webinar, TTS’s Managing Director, Fred Guest, discusses how to improve the efficiency, accuracy, and candidate experience of your gradua...