Saville Consulting becomes a Towers Watson Company20150625205743
Saville Consulting becomes a Towers Watson Company
At TTS we are pleased to inform our clients that one of our partners, Saville Consulting has been acquired by Towers Watson, a leading global company ...
All you need to know about online assessment20150625205645
All you need to know about online assessment
Have you ever been asked for online practice tests or been invited to complete assessments? Are you curious to know more about cut-e assessments and w...
The new book, Psychometrics@work from Professor Peter Saville and Tom Hopton provides a preview of what can and can’t be done with psychometrics. The...
A day of networking, fun and information sharing20150625205456
A day of networking, fun and information sharing
A number of major cut-e clients recently met in Hamburg for a fun-filled networking event. During this session, HR and assessment practitioners had th...
Clinical data integration methods versus mechanical data integration in predicting job performance20150625205355
Clinical data integration methods versus mechanical data integration in predicting job performance
In selection and recruitment, most organisations and talent decision makers invest substantial resources in utilizing assessment tools with the aim of...
Maintaining best practice psychometric testing in the age of technology20150625205256
Maintaining best practice psychometric testing in the age of technology
The last 10 years have seen a steady increase in the use of online assessments. With this growth comes unique questions in how best practice can be ma...
Current trends in graduate recruitment20150625204959
Current trends in graduate recruitment
Graduate recruitment has changed considerably in recent years – and we are fortunate to see this first hand, and across the world. Howard Grosvenor, f...
ITC Test Taker Guidelines20120421122103
ITC Test Taker Guidelines
Some people in the workshop raised concerns about how we communicate the advantages and disadvantages of Internet based assessment. This guidelines fr...
New from Saville Consulting20120421121007
New from Saville Consulting
Saville Consulting is delighted to announce a significant expansion to their online assessment portfolio. As of 19th October, these new reports and te...