Position statement of ATP South Africa on Section 8 of the Employment Equity Act of South Africa

Formed in 2005, the Association of Test Publishers of  South Africa (ATP South Africa) has the mission to promote the ethical and effective use of assessment instruments. The association further aims to promote and advance the role of quality assessment in the workplace by serving as an advocate for the industry and by providing information and education for both its’ members and the broader public.

Following the amendment made by the Department of Labour in July, 2014, which prohibits the use of psychological tests and other similar assessments unless they had been certified by the Health Professions Council of South (HPCSA) or a similar body that has been legally authorised to do so, ATP released a position statement that highlighted concerns regarding the practicality of this requirement.

Since the release of this position statement, there has been a great deal of activity around the test certification process and issues surrounding the Employment Equity plan.

Read more about these developments

September 9, 2015