SIOPSA Annual Conference 2015

TTS is proud to be associated with the SIOPSA Annual Conference. This year, we are honoured to be a Gold Sponsor of this prestigious conference and to support the inspiring work being done by the Society of Industrial Psychology in South Africa. Furthermore, we have some exciting developments to share with you at the conference.

 Visit our stand and try the new sparks assessment.

As part of our objective to keep you aligned with the latest in innovative technology products, we will be showcasing the first online creativity assessment, sparks developed by cut-e. Sparks is the first tool that assesses creativity online in a valid, reliable and practical way. At the conference, you will have the opportunity to learn how the test works, to find out more about the technology which drives the instant scoring as well as get the opportunity to try the test out. By trying sparks, you will automatically get the opportunity to get feedback on your assessment and to join us for a breakfast session where you can find out more information.

We will be presenting

The TTS Consulting Team will be presenting a number of case studies, master classes and workshops related to Industrial Psychology in South Africa. We invite you to sit in for these.

27 July 2015

  • Towards an Ethics framework for Industrial Psychology: a summary of Future Fit ethics research. Presented by Mr. F Guest (TTS), Mr. D Meiring (UP), Ms. A Bucket (Precision HR), Ms. K Viljoen (UP).
  • Implementing Assessment Strategies Globally: Special reference to Africa. Presented by Prof. Hennie Kriek (TTS/UNISA).

28 July 2015

  • The Practical Implementation of Supervised Online Assessments for Entry-level Test Takers Implications and Solutions. Presented by Mr. F De Wet (TTS).
  • Organisational Culture Deterrent or Retention Tool? Presented by Mrs. K Stadler (TTS), Ms. L Letchmiah (SA Taxi Development Finance).
  • Online Assessment: Contributions of Technology to Best Practice Psychometric Testing. Presented by Mr. R Lewis (TTS).
  • The Role of the Psychometrist in Unsupervised Online Assessment. Presented by Mr. F Guest (TTS).
  • The Implementation of Leadership Succession Project in a Large Corporate Organisation. Presented by Mr. JG Dannheimer (TTS).
  • Designing and Implementing a Blended Leadership Development Experience for Succession Candidates. Presented by Mr. DA Conradie (TTS).

29 July 2015

  • The Focus of Organisations Moving from Competency Based Measurement to Business Strategy Assessment. Presented by Prof. H Kriek (TTS/Unisa), Mrs. E Wilhelm (TTS).

Visit our stand at SIOPSA 2015