A few months ago, we asked our newsletter subscribers to complete our 2023 Trends in IO Psychology survey. We designed our survey to poll the IO Psychology and talent professional community on their thoughts on the future of IO Psychology and forces that will shape the profession within the coming year.
We polled our participants on several current, past and possible future trends within the profession, as well as their own ideas about which themes are likely to emerge in this and coming years. Here are the results!
Top trends in IO Psychology
We asked those surveyed to rank-order 11 of the most likely themes that may influence IO Psychology. These themes were collected from trends that were identified in a literature review of several overview articles, industry surveys, and similar sources. Here are how the themes were ranked, from most likely to least likely to influence IO Psychology in the next few years:
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
- Employee well-being and mental health
- Big Data analytics
- Digital agility and readiness
- Digital leadership
- Virtual and remote working
- Future skills and the skills gap
- Mobile Technologies
- Diversity, equity, and inclusion
- Virtual assessment centres
- Augmented and virtual reality assessments
Perhaps not surprisingly, digital themes dominate the top 5, with three of the five (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Digital agility and readiness, and Digital leadership) leading themes referencing the digital workplace.
Additional trends in IO Psychology
In addition to the eleven core themes discussed above, we also asked participants to list trends that they thought were important to consider.
Some trends identified focused on the changing landscape of work, especially as it is increasingly influenced by globalization, a wider distribution of talent pools, and a more global perspective on recruiting talent.
Other trends honed in on the possible influence of an aging workforce, accompanied by worries around decreased skills and preparedness for the future of HR, talent, and IO Psychology professionals.
Finally, some of our participants mentioned that there might be confusion or misalignment with the definitions of capabilities and other core concepts in talent assessment and management.
Conclusion and Implications
The survey results present a fascinating outlook for the I/O Psychology and talent management professions in the coming year and beyond.
Dominance of digital themes
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) topped the list, reflecting the increasing integration of these technologies into various aspects of work.
These tools hold the potential to transform many facets of I/O Psychology, from AI-mediated scoring of assessments and interview data to predictive analytics in talent acquisition to developing more personalized employee development programs. However, as we integrate AI and ML more deeply into our practices, ethical considerations around privacy, fairness, and transparency will become increasingly crucial.
Big data analytics, digital agility and readiness, and digital leadership also ranked highly. These results suggest a growing need for I/O Psychologists and talent professionals to develop a robust understanding of digital tools and their strategic implications.
Such skills are crucial for navigating the digital workplace, fostering a culture of digital readiness, and driving digital leadership across multiple levels of an organization.
Balancing digital progress with human considerations
The high ranking of employee well-being and mental health provides a counterbalance to the digital trends, underscoring the enduring importance of human elements in the workplace.
As organizations navigate digital transformation, it’s vital not to lose sight of the human impact. In this coming month, organizations will be celebrating employee wellness month, an awareness campaign that emphasizes this theme.
I/O Psychologists are well-positioned to advocate for employee well-being, stress management, and resilience-building strategies, integrating these into the design and implementation of new digital initiatives.
Final thoughts
The survey also brought to light additional trends that merit attention. The impacts of globalization and an aging workforce indicate a need for flexible and inclusive talent management strategies.
For instance, I/O professionals might consider implementing age-friendly workplace policies or leveraging technology to facilitate international talent acquisition and management.
Concerns over the preparedness of HR, talent, and I/O Psychology professionals for future skills underline the importance of continual learning and professional development. As the nature of work evolves, so too must our profession. We will also be looked to by management to identify and support the needs of future skills in the workplace to avoid skills gaps and redundancies.
Finally, the potential misalignment of definitions within talent assessment and management suggests a need for standardization and clarity. It may be beneficial for the I/O Psychology community to establish consensus definitions and best practices, which can be disseminated via professional bodies or academic journals.
If you would like to know more about how TTS serves its clients to prepare for future trends in the talent management and assessment landscape, why not drop us a line at info@tts-talent.com?