Vulnerability and Leadership

A leader should show vulnerability in order to gain the trust of their followers and for innovation to prosper. Glen Llopis (The One Essential Trait Leaders Fail to Master, Forbes 18 March 2017) states that, “Vulnerability is like sunscreen: Fail to apply it and you will get burned – maybe not immediately but eventually and then over and over again”. Vulnerability is an essential aspect of being a good leader.

Research conducted by Saville Consulting showed that only half of employees have trust and confidence in the job being done by their senior leadership. The study, overall, indicated that organisations need to be 1) doing more to address the shortfalls in the key aspects of leadership and 2) understand the impact the leadership style has on key leadership outcomes. The new Leadership Model developed by Saville Assessment bridges the gap between specific competency models and outcome-based models.

The Saville Leadership Model is a predictive model across senior roles. The output of the model is tangible development advice on areas of lesser strength and on leadership situations that an individual may likely be less effective in.

The Model focuses on the 3P’s of Professional, People, and Pioneering. ‘Professional’ refers to how meticulous and detailed an individual is and the impact they create through managing risk, building expertise, and in service delivery. ‘People’ refers to the impact of an individual’s communication and the relevance and effectiveness of their communication across the organisation. ‘Pioneering’ refers to being creative and innovative, and to the possible outcomes that creativity and innovation will have in the development of new products and in exploring new opportunities.

Contact a TTS consultant to find out more about this exciting new report on +27 12 142 0010 or

April 12, 2017