Make better talent decisions.

We work with our clients to help them make better talent decisions through highly contextualised, flexible and integrated assessment processes and outcomes. We deliver online talent solutions as unique as your organisation by integrating the science of industrial psychology, technology and a choice of best-of-breed assessment and development products.

How we deliver

Our expertise, products and technology provide solutions that can help you make better talent decisions whether you assess one individual or thousands for screening, selection, development or succession planning.

Expert Services
Expert ServicesWe help you define what good looks like and then assess for the best possible talent that will enable you to succeed.View Our Expert Services
Talent Assessment Technologies
Talent Assessment TechnologiesOur homegrown technologies help you to define roles using your own competencies, administer and manage your own psychometric assessment processes, and produce integrated, easy-to-interpret reporting.Learn About Our Technologies
Best-of-Breed Products
Best-of-Breed ProductsNot all assessment products are created equal. We offer best-of-breed assessment products that are scientifically rigorous and measure competencies that are relevant and future-proof.View our Products

Clients From Every Industry

TTS serves a wide array of industries on a global scale.


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