Virtual success profiling using TTS-Define20200717112500
Virtual success profiling using TTS-Define
In today’s’ rapidly changing world-of-work, organizations need to ensure that they have up-to-date and future-proof role profiles...
Competencies of the ideal remote worker: A TTS research report20200629084125
Competencies of the ideal remote worker: A TTS research report
In the past, the notion of an ideal remote worker profile was usually applied to selected employees who could work tele-presently, usually because of ...
Competencies are not dead: 3 Reasons why competencies are still as relevant as ever20180913121349
Competencies are not dead: 3 Reasons why competencies are still as relevant as ever
While competencies have long been central to almost all talent management processes, there have been doubts raised by some if they are still relevant ...