TTS makes contribution at SIOPSA

TTS is proud to be associated with the SIOPSA Annual Conference that was held on 21 – 23 July 2014 where TTS acted as a Gold sponsor at the conference. The TTS consulting team presented a number of case studies such as thought leadership and professional sessions relating to our profession as IO Psychologists. TTS consultants also presented two panel discussions on the following topics:

  • Explore the practical and scientific implications of Entrepreneurship in action was presented by Fred Guest (TTS) and Zachariah George (U-Start) with leading practitioners.


The panel discussion explored the practical and scientific implications of a number of themes highlighted during the keynote presented by Zachariah George (U-Start) on Entrepreneurship today – What are you willing to live poorly for?


The role of the business environment on the success of entrepreneurs – how IOP can help to ‘smooth the way’. Learning and implications for working with and developing entrepreneurs in Africa and disadvantaged communities. Scientifically grounded, yet practical, suggestions on ways to determine entrepreneurial potential.Being an Industrial Psychologist and Entrepreneur – the practical and ethical implications and areas for further research.

  • Jorn Dannheimer (PAI), Nadine Venter (PAI) and Leading Practitioners discussed, The application of and implications for Practitioners of the recently amended Employment Equity Act (EEA).

The objectives of the panel discussion was to gain a better understanding and clarity as well as provide answers and guidance to the public (collectively representing all job applicants and job incumbents), the practitioners as well as organisations, around the practical applications and implications of the recently amended Employment Equity Act (EEA), by inviting key stakeholders to openly deliberate on this in the form of a panel discussion.


By including expert participants in the panel discussion, we aim to provide clarity and guidance not only to the SIOPSA members attending the panel discussion, but also following on after the SIOPSA conference, the practitioners, organisations and the wider public as well. The PAI aims to collate all learnings gathered during the discussion and to share this with the wider fraternity to ensure we advise on and support the use of valid, reliable and fair assessments in the workplace.

TTS – Top Talent Solutions made a contribution of pledging 52 hours over 52 weeks towards SIOPSA’s CSI project. This year’s target of a 1000 hours of volunteer time has been exceeded.

Contact us at to learn more about the conference and information on the presentations.

July 16, 2015