Virtual success profiling using TTS-Define20200717112500
Virtual success profiling using TTS-Define
July 17, 2020
In today’s’ rapidly changing world-of-work, organizations need to ensure that they have up-to-date and future-proof role profiles...
5 principles of strategic competency modeling20181026090803
5 principles of strategic competency modeling
October 26, 2018
In a previous article, we contrasted traditional job analysis with strategic competency modeling. We showed how these important processes differ, with...
The differing functions of competency modelling and job analysis20181003113721
The differing functions of competency modelling and job analysis
October 3, 2018
In anticipation of our upcoming TTS Client conference, with its theme of Competencies 2.0: The final frontier, we turn to the important topic of compe...